
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Tehcnology wood

                                        Tehcnology wood
Step 1. I used a penciltodraw my project that I was building.
Step 2. I used steel rule to make a full size working drawing of my truck because I need to know what im building.
Step 3. I used a steel rule to copy the measurments from my drawing onto my Truck.
Step 4. I marked a squre line (at 90%) accross and using a Tri-square and a steel rule.
Step 5. I cut off the first peice of wood with an Backed-saw.
Step 6. I then marked out the work using a pencil.
Step 7. I used a wood-chisel and a mallet to make my joint.
Step 8. I put on the first piece that I cut in the joint.
Step 9.Then I glued my chair my pices and my wheels.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


                     🛠️AKO Learning Day🛠️

Yestarday we had Ako learning day and our group was presenting an item from what we learnt.  Our group was Fe'ao,Me,Suave and     Faka'ata and the item we presented was MRSGREN, So that                means Movement, Rispiration, Sensitivity, Growth,                                  Reproduction, Excrete and Nutrition.

So in this Item we made a dance of what each letter means, For an          Example:Taking a deep breath and doing the WOAH.
     The song we used was, No Diet,Woah,Git up and Swip it.
                    Here is a video of our MRSGREN Dance!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Austrailia Stun All Blacks

                                           Austrailia Stun All Blacks
         This is my current event about Austrailia stun All Blacks.
  This is my current event about Austrailia and All Blacks, This is Austrailia Beating All Blacks and Its the first time in seven years that Aus have beaten the All Blacks and coming on Top.

Blog Commenting

Blog Commenting 
                                        WALT: comment on our school buddy's school.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Word Study

  Word Study: 
As you read, find a minimum of 25 words that are new or unfamiliar to you. For each word, write: 

Write your words down 

a) the page number on which you find it 

b) the context in which you find it (copy the sentence or phrase from
the book and underline the word) 

d) the dictionary definition of the word and any other common forms
of the word 
  • Grumbled 
  • Lauti
  • Pitcher
  • Murmured
 2. Number page 

  • 43
  • 45
  • 42
  • 45
            3.   Sentence 
  • At four o’clock, they’d go next door to nana’s fale, where she’d
  • be waiting with a Pitcher of cool lemon juice.
  • ‘’I didn’t have to take all this stuff in samoa, ‘’Nana, often
  • grumbled.
  • After we folded the clothes and put them away, we went outside
  • and picked Lauti leaves from our garden.
  • ‘’Ah,’’ Nana murmed. ‘’That’s really nice
  • Pitcher-This means a large
  • Lauti-This means samoan leaves
  • Grumbled-This means making a low rumbling sound.
  •  Murmured-This means saying something in a low voice.

🔨Technology-Hard Material🔨

                          🔨Technology 🔨

I have chosen to make a Truck for my little brother to play with at home. I think this is the best choice because its hand made by me.
It will be used as a toy to play with,Its for my little brother,Its be moving with wheels,its going to be at hom always. For this project I will have to consider myself to finish my truck.

Image result for technology truck wood

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Smart Relationship

🛠️Smart Relationship🛠️
This is what we did last week and its called Smart Relationship.


Today we had Cybersmart and this is what we have done on top.
Check out my blog